Exams will not define you

Dear student reading this blog post,

I just wanted to take the time to wish you the very best of luck for this year’s exams.

Please keep the following in mind:

  • Doing badly in an exam is not the end of the world. Exams do not and will not define your future success in life or (more importantly) your happiness.

  • Be kind to yourself. You can always (in theory) study more, revise more efficiently, read more cases. However, in truth, there is both a physical and a psychological limit and your body/mind will start complaining when you cross it. Listen to its voice.

  • Try to enjoy this period of time and the exam process, if at all possible. View exams as your opportunity to showcase your hard work, not as a make-or-break moment.

  • Keep calm and carry on. This too shall pass and you will only emerge stronger and more experienced.

Best of luck,



Standing Out