How to Write Excellent Law Essays

This book is for everyone interested in improving their essay writing skills. It is focused on law essays, but the principles discussed here apply to essay writing in general. It is written with the purpose of assisting law students in navigating the very stressful periods of exams and other summative or formative assessments. Treat it like a guide, but feel free to diverge at times, when you feel that a certain piece of advice does not suit your needs.

I would like to thank all contributors for the excellent advice they have shared with us. It is a great privilege for law students to be able to receive advice from luminaries such as Baron Neuberger, former President of the UK Supreme Court, Professor Mark Elliott (Chair of the Faculty of Law at the University of Cambridge), Oxford Law Professor Nick Barber, Oxford Law Professor (Emeritus) Stephen Weatherill, Cambridge Law Professor Alison Young, Cambridge Law Professor Catherine Barnard, Professor David Kershaw (Dean of the LSE Law School) and Professor van der Leun (former Dean of Leiden Law School). I am deeply indebted to them.