New academic year

The start of yet another academic year is fast-approaching.

Many law students will feel they have lost touch with university-related material over the summer, and will grow increasingly agitated as the first week of term grows closer.

There’s no reason to worry; all of this is normal.

Here are some bits of advice that you might find helpful:

- Reread all of the essays (formative and summative) you submitted last year, and especially your course leader’s comments on them. Jot them down in a new word document in order to avoid making the same mistakes, while making sure you focus on your strong points too.

- Find the syllabi for this year’s courses, either on Moodle or (if they haven’t been posted yet) by asking an older student or emailing the course leader directly. This will help you familiarize yourself with the depth and breadth of the material you’ll be grappling with this year.

- Get hold of one of the recommended textbooks and start reading the introductory chapters. This will ensure you won’t feel completely “lost” during the first couple of weeks of term.

Above all else, try to prioritize your physical and mental health. This has been a long year for all of us, so enjoy your last few weeks of vacation!


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